Too many connections

Union Grove Baptist Church

Join us for VBS 2025 (This is a free event)

Ages: Pre-K thru 12th grade

Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday June 18-20 we'll have classes 5:30pm - 8:30pm

Sunday June 22 will be 'Family Night' starting at 5:00pm. We'll meet in the Sanctuary for our program, then we will go to the Fellowship Hall for refreshments and fellowship.

Please register by June 6. We will also have registration in the church foyer during vbs.


6/18/25 – 6/20/25


Union Grove Baptist Church
4009 Lee Road 391
Opelika, AL 36804


Diana Botsford, VBS Director

For more information call the church office 334-749-0461 Monday thru Thursday 9am - 3pm.